Woodlands Farm Trust is located on the south-eastern slopes of Shooters Hill. Formerly ancient woodland known as Bushy Lees Wood, it was a working farm for 170 years until it was closed in the late 1980's.
Since 1997 it has been run by a charitable trust and has been designated a metropolitan open land site and an area of special landscape character. Six hundred year old hedges and some of the original ancient Bushy Lees Wood remain, providing one of London's most diverse wildlife habitats and is home to foxes, batt, skylarks and kestrals.
There are three distinctive walks marked out which vary in length to meet the different needs of walkers. They all begin and end on Shooters Hill and take place through habitat including wetland, scrub and agricultural land and past some of the finest hedgerows in Greenwich.
They run many activites during the school holidays as well as walks and seasonal events. Full details can be found on their website.